Song Lyric Sunday — The Cars and The Chicks

When I saw Jim Adams picked cool/freeze/heat/melt for this week’s Song Lyric Sunday theme, I had every intention of sharing “Cool Fool,” a Cars anomaly co-written by Ric Ocasek and Elliot Easton.

Then a stunning video scrolled onto my Facebook feed.  “March March” is one-half of a double-whammy, released June 25, the same day the Dixie Chicks dropped “dixie” and became The Chicks. A protest song from their current “Gaslighter” album, “March March” hits today’s hot button issues — gun control, global warming, women’s rights, lies masquerading as truth, and racism. The last minute is a gut punch that stopped me cold. Read the lyrics here later. Give the video your full attention. “’If your voice held no power, they wouldn’t try to silence you.’ – unknown. Use your VOICE. Use your VOTE.”


Re-blog: Advice for Donald Trump from Oscar Wilde on locking up kids

The terror of a child in prison is quite limitless.”

During and after his own two-year incarceration (1895-1897) for “gross indecency,” ie homosexuality, Oscar Wilde wrote an extraordinary attack on the notion of taking children from their parents and locking them up alone in prisons and confined spaces. (Sound familiar?)

Source: Advice for Donald Trump from Oscar Wilde on locking up kids (