
The day I decided to actually blog on this ol’ blog o’ mine three years after its birth, I did so because I had some words in my head that were calling to me. Really nagging me. Once I started typing, those words practically poured out, in the uncharted genre of poetry, no less. It was a strange sensation. Whenever I’ve written for work or school, while I’ve liked the end result, the writing process itself was like pulling teeth. What’s more, rather than the extensive editing I’ve usually done, I needed only minor edits before I felt confident in publishing that first post.

I figured, piece of cake; I can be a blogger. Had no idea what direction I wanted to go in or what style of writing I’d use (or try to use). Would anyone even want to read what I write? What I did know with certainty, however, was that the poem was a fluke. I’m not creative. Oh, I’d like to be creative, but I knew, realistically, I wouldn’t be writing any poems or fiction. After a lifetime of writing school essays and papers, sales proposals and reports, legal motions and briefs, I expected to primarily write opinion pieces about current events or music or books I like.

Then a strange thing happened. People started “liking” my first post and poem. Encouraging me. Following me! While reading, liking, and following their posts, I discovered the wonderful world of prompts. I responded to one and published my second post — another poem! Reading another follower’s posts, I was introduced to six-word story prompts and discovered that I can write little creative stories. Other prompts have inspired me to write a couple of flash fiction pieces. Fiction!

Maybe I’m a little creative after all. Oh, most of my posts aren’t “creative writing,” but then again most of my “opinion pieces” are more creatively presented than I had expected they would be. Still figuring it out.